Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why hold an open house

Did you know it’s estimated that less than 5% of all buyers purchase a home they visited during an open house. Wow for all the work that goes into having one that seem like a pretty ineffective sales approach. So why have one? Well if you use it as a tool to achieve your goal rather than trying to make it the answer to your quest, it works wonderfully.

Personal story: Early on in my career I was helping a family sell their home and their décor wasn’t cluttered, they depersonalized by taking down all their family pictures, and they had this designer approved “shabby-chic” theme going on throughout the whole house. It wasn’t until I held an open house that we noticed people were distracted by her lovely artwork and furniture treatment. They weren’t noticing the house itself. Simple enough to fix we dialed down the theme with a goal of a neutral décor and they started getting offers.

Another time I had a gentleman I was trying to help sell his condo and he had his place in the neutral zone décor wise. It wasn’t until I held an open house for him that I found out that prior to every viewing he was spraying and setting out room scented stuff that was so strong you thought he must have been trying to hide the smell of a cigar bar with a herd of cats in it. His house didn’t smell normally!?! He said later he thought that overbearing pine smell would give the house an open and airy smell about it.

So you see open houses can help you get a sense of what your home is viewed as and there is a possibility that a neighbor who just pops in to sneak a peek might just see your home without you in it and realize it would be perfect for a friend of theirs. And there is always that 5%. Good Luck!