Rumor has it the reason Kris Humphries has not signed the divorce papers from Kim Kardasian is because he wants their marriage annulled. You know like it didn’t happen? Or wasn’t on TV and the cover of just about every gossip magazine?!? Usually annulments are granted when there are cases of alcohol playing too big a role (a la Britney Spear’s quickie in Vegas) or perhaps fraud? Hmm, is he trying to say he was the only person on the planet who didn’t think that was a hype circus for cameras that was doomed from the get-go? Well then maybe he has a case!
Speaking of Britney weddings
Supposedly, for Britney Spear’s 30th birthday this Friday, Jason Trawick(39), is going to pop the question. Why not she’s been with him already longer than she’s been with anyone else and she seems stable.
Speaking of couples
Speaking of couples
The latest woman to be linked to Bradley Cooper is…recently split from her fiancé, Zoe Saldana. While these two would make a lovely couple the only proof of them hooking up according to sources for Star magazine is that they were seen hangout out with a group of 20 people at a club and they left together. Um, did they follow Brad the next night? He’s been rumored to be dating every other woman in Celebritiville! The only reason I bring this gossip up is so I’ll have an excuse to post his picture!!!
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