Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Margie Maybe's Celeb Goss on the murder of a Glee star's dad, RHONJ lawsuit, and Jessica is a Mummy

Starting out with some really sad news about occasional Glee star and Philippines’ hit singer Charice Pempengco. Her dad, who separated from her mother a while ago, was stabbed to death. It appears it was a random act of violence as witnesses say her dad merely bumped into a drunk guy at the grocery store. The drunk then went crazy and stabbed him with an ice pick twice. The search for the 40 year-olds’ killer continues in San Padro.

Now back to the lighter gossip we prefer…

In order to be on the Real Housewives of New Jersey do you have to have a lawsuit pending?!? Once again big money is involved only this time is with Jacqueline and her husband, Chris, who is also Caroline’s brother. Supposedly they are a part of a $7.8 million lawsuit against their dissolved clothing company, Signature Apparel. The suit claims that Chris and his brother Joseph, mismanaged the once-profitable company for personal gain. The clothing company filed for bankruptcy back in 2009. And if that wasn’t a big enough headache for Jac, now there are rumors that she had a Vegas stripper past and guess who she blames for letting that scoop out? You guessed Teresa, right?!?

Speaking of letting things out…

Loads of rumors are floating around that the reason Jessica Simpson announced her pregnancy by tweeting a picture of herself on Halloween dressed as a Mummy was because no one offered to pay her big bucks for the news. Really?? It couldn’t just have been that it was a really cute costume for a pregnant woman to wear and she wanted to share?!?

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