Monday, January 2, 2012

Margie Maybe is called to duty

Well the kids are going back to school, so tomorrow I should be able to give you a snarky look at “celebrity doings”, right? But alas a jury duty summons has arrived and this time around I am not hugely pregnant making it impossible to sit through a trial (a good thing as that’s happened twice to me before!) While, I am anxious that the case I get assigned to will be boring or gruesome it is after all a civic duty and I feel privileged to do it. No, it’s not something I’m thrilled to be doing but when I think about how many times we say we want to “Honor Our Veterans” by making sure we go, “vote” as that is a right they fought for us to have; Isn’t having a “jury of one’s peers” also in the same vein? So until my duty has been completed I wish you well and look forward to getting back to the usual trivial gossiping that usually fills my blog!



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